How to Make Someone Love You - Using Magic Spells


Perhaps you find that your spouse or your lover is hardly ever close to you anymore. Suddenly they just seem to disappear from view for no apparent reasons. Do they completely lose interest in you as well?

If this sounds like something that has happened to you or even if it is something that has been going on for some time, it is probably time to consider a spell to make someone love you more. Chances are that it really is magic working on your lover. If they truly love you then there must be some magic that is wafting up from within your magical being to bring them back to you. This might be easier than you think. Here is a simple but effective spell to make someone love you more:

Many people believe in the power of positive thinking when it comes to matters of the heart. There are many different forms of positive thinking spells that you can use in order to have the desired effect on others. There is no need for you to be a witch or a priestess in order to cast a Spell to make someone love you. All you have to do is make sure that you put in the right effort into your casting of spells and you will find that you will be able to have the desired positive result.

First, you will need to find yourself a willing and dedicated person to cast your spell upon. You will then have to get the person to join with you in a very specific and intimate ritual. This is your ritual.

Once you have found a willing subject for your spell, you will then have to create a chanting ritual. This will be a sacred chant that has sacred meaning for both you and your beloved. You can make your own chanting spell or you can find out what sacred chanting is supposed to sound like and then use that chant in your spell to make someone fall in love with you. You can find out more about the sacred chanting sound by checking out some books in your local bookstore.

Once you have your sacred chanting ritual ready, you are ready to cast your spell. You will simply utter a single word in a deeply religious tone, followed immediately by a visual spell using a specific object. You can choose to have the spell happen instantly, or you can allow the ritual to take place and then speak again as soon as the magic word is spoken. The important thing is that you speak the magic words while the object that you are using in your casting spells is glowing from the heat created by the candle.

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