Aloe vera is a common, medicinal plant that has been used for many medicinal purposes throughout the ages. Its traditional use in the United States is for its ability to ease sunburn and reduce itching and pain associated with it. Aloe can be taken as a topical cream, taken as an herbal supplement or it can even be used in the making of a cream to be applied to the skin. The gel from the aloe plant is one of the main ingredients in shampoos and conditioners that have anti-bacterial properties.
While the traditional use of Aloe vera kopen is to treat skin abrasions, it has also been shown to be effective in treating acne, wounds, warts, periodontal disease, varicose veins, rheumatoid arthritis and even psoriasis. The reason for this is that the plant contains a enzyme that lends itself to the healing of these and other ailments by increasing the synthesis of collagen. If you are interested in finding a cream that contains aloe vera or has aloe in it, you should be aware that not all products on the market are truly aloe vera based.
Aloe vera in a cream or lotion does not contain the same enzymes that are found in the gel of the plant. Some manufacturers may even claim that their product is 100% aloe vera, when the truth is that the percentage of aloe in the product is much lower. Even if the aloe vera in your cream doesn't include the actual plant, there are ways that you can tell whether or not it is true. First of all, the aloe vera gel will be white, thick and feel quite a bit thicker than ordinary cream. Another way to tell the difference is to apply the cream to your skin and if it immediately starts to peel, then it most likely isn't true aloe vera.
Aloe vera in capsules or liquid form is another form of the plant, however, it is difficult to digest. In order for the nutrients contained in the aloe to be absorbed, digestive enzymes are necessary. Therefore, the liquid form will have little benefit, if any, at all. Most people find that capsules are the best option for them.
You can take aloe vera in the form of a supplement, either liquid or capsule. Many people find that taking aloe vera in a pill form is easier on the stomach than the liquid form, while others prefer the liquid form. You need to choose what form you take carefully because some forms of aloe vera, like the gel and suppositories, are known to be quite messy. They also have to be refrigerated after opening. However, the most important thing is that you do not take more than one capsule at a time. Taking too many can cause a serious lack of nutrition from the aloe vera, causing you to feel hungry even when you aren't.
As with any form of alternative healing, it is always a good idea to talk with your doctor before starting a supplement. He or she can give you guidance about whether or not the use of aloe would be safe for you. While there are many well documented reports of the healing benefits of aloe vera, there is still much more research needed to determine its safety and effectiveness in humans. In the meantime, enjoy the healing benefits of this nature!