Batman - Joker Ninja Masked

Joker is a psychopath with many weapons, including Katana and Squirting flowers who shoot acid. He had terrorized the city of Gotham for years, and Batman was the only strong enough to stop him. Joker has been locked up at ASylum Arkham after Gorilla Grodd called him to take revenge on Gotham residents.

Joker is a strong criminal, and he is Archenemi Batman. He escaped from prison, he was imprisoned by escaping to Feodal Japan, where he quickly made his own warlord. The origin of Japan was revealed after he was thrown into Japanese feudal. Wataru Takagi voiced Joker in the Japanese version, while Tony Hale voiced him in the English version of Dubbed. He also voiced Hammerhead in one male punch, and James Suggs in Alvin and Chipmunks.

Joker's appearance is a masked ninja with green hair and eyes with red slices. He wears purple and green clothes. He also grew a mustache, and his skin was white and he was wearing a white shirt. The costume has a very authentic Japanese look, and reminds Daimyo. The type of Joker's character is Daimyo who specializes in martial arts.

The appearance of the Joker mask is a symbol of its strength and its ability to destroy. He wore green and purple clothes and carrying a sword. He tried to kill the joker with his mechanical mechanics. When he was caught, Batman saved the child and mother, and Harley Quinn saved him. Both of them entered the pursuit of the car, but the Joker made fun of the two of them and mocked him.

Joker's appearance is interesting. His skin is white and his hair is green. He has red slices and mustache. His eyes were bright and yellow, and he had a green hairstyle. However, the overall appearance is not unique than the previous version. He has yellow eyes and green face, with red iris and mustachio.

Joker is a criminal and Arcenemi Batman. He threw back to Feodal Japan and established himself as a strong warlord. In the film version nicknamed England, Joker was voiced by Tony Hale. His English study partner was voiced by Wataru Takagi. Other famous characters are voiced like including Ninja Robin, Daimyo, and Ninja.

Ninja joker is a character that appears in the comic series "Ninja Batman". This criminal is the ruler of the sword and can easily use his katana to fight criminals. He is also a fan of manga and anime. No wonder Joker is a fan of superhero and anime. Joker's appearance is a great representation of Batman's Ninja skills and style.

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