Side effects of TDF gileads drugs

The side effects of TDF Gileads drugs are very concerned. In fact, nearly 20,000 people have experienced kidney damage or other complications after taking medication. Kidney damage is very dangerous because the kidney is very strong, and the damage they do can be irreversible. Acute kidney failure and acute kidney injury are the two most common complications caused by these drugs.

Class action lawsuit which aims to recover damage caused by TDF Gileads drugs has been submitted by thousands of individuals. Law demands accuse that the company holds a safer alternative for TDF. The company's failure to provide a safe alternative can increase payments from TDF demands. Furthermore, Gilead has threatened to pay compensation if the product is found dangerous.

As the most common side effects of Gilead’s TDF Drugs, kidney damage and bone loss are the most common. Gilead suspected of knowing the risk of these drugs, but delaying their release until the side effects can be removed. This delay allows Gilead to protect their profits by delaying the introduction of non-toxic HIV drugs. Company executives know about tenofovir risk for years, but choose to hide it, instead of releasing a safer alternative.

The company also faces a class action lawsuit for side effects related to Truvada. The Plaintiff accused Gilead failed to warn doctors and patients about the dangers associated with Truvada, new drugs for AIDS. Furthermore, the company is accused of suppressing alternative research that is safer to maximize profits. Until now, hundreds of lawsuits are awaiting federal and state trials throughout the country, and at least one class action has been submitted in California.

TDF drugs were first approved for HIV infection in adults in 2001 and expanded to chronic hepatitis B in 2008 and in children in 2012. In 2011, Gilead also introduced new combination products containing TDF, including Viread. In addition, Truvada is now used as pre-exposure prophylaxis, or preparation, to protect people from HIV infection. In short, the drug slows the development of HIV and can maintain healthy HIV-positive patients for years. Not taking TDF drugs is not a decent choice for those who suffer from HIV.

While Gileads TDF medicines have been very successful in the market, their patents ended in 2016 and 2017. As a result, the company has re-evaluated their drug development strategies and determines whether they have to invest in TDF products or not. In addition, Gilead also saw TAF drugs in Brazil and India to overcome TDF deficiencies. Furthermore, the company is evaluating other options for the future.

The lawsuit against Gileads TDF drugs accused that the company failed to warn about the serious health impact of TDF drugs, and intentionally delayed the release of safer alternative drugs. Law demands accuse that Gilead has misled patients systematically and seizes treatment that can save their lives. This case has been submitted in a number of state trials throughout the US.

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