When you need to produce an account quickly, an account gene can help. It uses Oracle Workflow technology to automatically build a combination of key flexfield. The ability to adjust the key flexfield combination rules for each site accelerate data entry and increase accuracy. There are a number of ways to adjust the account ID. You can see a detailed description of these features on the Edit account page. Read on to learn how to use an account gene. This can also be used to produce accounts from DIDS.
The account generator is the most suitable for companies that issue a large number of accounts. This can be used to make a prepaid card or issue a large number of accounts. You can produce an account ID in sequence or random, and choose between a password that will prevent fraud. Because the Account gen runs offline, this newly generated account will not appear on your account management page until the process is complete. However, if you do not use a password, this tool will save you from the complexity given the password of all your newly produced accounts.