A Course in Miracles


The Course in Miracles is one of the most influential spiritual texts of our time. It has been described as the bible of the "spiritual but not religious" movement, and it has become a centerpiece in the field of alternative spirituality. It also has deep roots in the world's major religions, combining Christian terminology with Eastern mysticism, perennial philosophy, and modern psychological insights.

A three-volume set, the Course contains a 669-page Text that describes the theoretical foundation upon which the thought system is based; a 488-page Workbook for Students, which offers 365 daily lessons designed to train the student's mind to accept the ideas of the Course; and a 92-page Manual for Teachers that provides answers to questions likely to be asked by students. It uses poetic language, written in blank verse, that has led some to compare it to some of the world's great literature, yet its thought system is intellectually sophisticated and combines spiritual inspiration with a sound understanding of belief systems and defense mechanisms.

As the teachings of A Course in Miracles challenge traditional Western religious beliefs, they are controversial to many. It is considered an unauthorized text, having no human author in the normal sense of the word. It was received through a process of inner dictation to two psychologists, Helen Schucman and William Thetford, who were respected colleagues at Columbia University. Their manuscript was edited by Kenneth Wapnick and others, and the first professionally printed edition of the Course was published in 1975.

Since then, Acim pdf more than 3 million copies of the Course have been sold without paid advertising to men and women in all walks of life and every major religion. It has become an important part of the burgeoning field of attitudinal healing, and it has been influential in the New Age movement and in Unity churches.

Despite its controversy, the Course is widely acknowledged to be an extraordinary spiritual text. It has been read and practiced by thousands of people who have experienced a profound shift in their view of the world and their relationship to it.

The main theme of the Course is forgiveness, and it teaches that peace is the natural outcome of forgiveness. It recognizes that the world is illusory and that salvation lies in our acceptance of this fact. It teaches that all problems are caused by our own thoughts, and that we can choose to change them.

In this book, author Michael Miller explores the origin and development of A Course in Miracles, discusses its main themes, including forgiveness, love, and God's will; and he examines some of the controversies surrounding it, such as the question of whether it is Christian and the issue of its controversial terminology. He includes evaluations of the Course by religious writers and a discussion of its place in the broader spiritual landscape. In addition, he presents the most complete and accessible guide to the Workbook for Students available, with extensive expositions of the daily lessons and a list of helpful references.

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